Sunday, March 4, 2012


As I sit here, trying to acclimate a new cat in a previously one cat household, I have accidentally hit the link to this blog. I had forgotten all about it. While my life is a little worse for the wear than it was when I started this, I still find things to be grateful for every day. Like the fact that the cats have not (yet) killed each other. They've actually gotten past hissing and are now "talking" in cat to one another. It's sort of cute. And only the second day. For those of you out there who have every had to introduce a new animal to old animals, we are only on day two, not even 24 hours in, so we're doing fantastic. It doesn't change the fact that I feel like a mom having to watch these kids all day and make arrangements so they won't in fact kill each other, but it's good. I'm not going to complain. It could be much worse.

That's been my motto lately. Saying (and believing) that, well, it COULD be much worse. All of it could. I have my job, my apartment, I'm in school, doing well so far, I have enough to eat, I owe the government money but we'll figure all that out; in other words, I'm okay. Like, really okay. There are situations in my life that I'm not sure how to deal with as of yet, but I'm okay. I'm super super grateful for the support I've had along the way, which is the reason I'm okay.

Well, still no hissing from over there. Good news on the homefront. I will leave you with a video by a band I am grateful for, because they make me happy on my early walks to work:


The Cynical Optimist said...

here it is!



What do the cats look like,got a picture of them.Used to have to seperate my first two cats cause when ever we left the house,they wore going at i and tearing down and breaking stuff in the process.
Now days i just wake up in the middle of the night freezing,cause my cats have stolen the blanket during the night