Right now, I'm just working on what The Buddha taught: N’atthi santi param sukham. This means, literally, “There is no greater pleasure than peace.” I'm trying to look for what feels good and brings me joy, light and peace. I'm avoiding or trying to avoid things that make me sad, and give me nothing in the end.
It sounds all very gay and hippie. But, I'm trying to just go for things that are present. That I can actually, see, hear, touch, yadda-yadda. I work on what I have. Not what I don't. While I still have slip ups here and there. I've been a lot "happier". I'm quoting that, cause I'm me, and l'll always be a little jaded. I'm like sweet and sour sauce from McDonald.
Anyway, It's like in meditation, when they say to focus on the breath, but you also need to understand and be okay with the fact that things will take you away from that. Don't dwell on them. Just note that your mind has wandered, and bring it back to the breath. But don't get upset and start telling yourself what a loser you are, cause that won't do anything.
That's true with life. Just be present. Have a good time, love what's right in front of you. I'm grateful that I'm finding pleasure in peace.
1 comment:
I am grateful that I am able to live in the moment more and more every day, or at the very least, to no dwell on things that make me upset and enjoy the company around me.
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