Monday, July 19, 2010

Being Selfish (To Be Yourself)

Today I'm grateful for being selfish. I don't mean that I'm going around being a total douche bag to people, but for the first time in a long while, I'm doing me. I'm thinking about myself for the most part. I'm finding that through that, everyone else is also a lot more happy. Because when I'm happy and thinking about me, everyone else seems to be happier. As silly as it may seem, by doing me, I'm doing a lot of other people. Wait, that came out wrong! But, you know what I mean.


The Cynical Optimist said...

I'm grateful that I'm finally home in bed, and that I have a bed to come home to.

That's So Missy said...

I'm so grateful that I found Osho. He's actually changed my life in a lot of ways. I want to thank my OCD. We all have a mild case of it, but mine has brought me to some odd and wonderful things.