Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sunday Dinner

Growing up we had a very small family. For the most part it was just my Mom, my brother John and my little brother Chris. My parents had divorced when I was little. But we had a huge adopted family! Luckily, My Mom had tons of friends. Every Sunday our house would be full of people. My mom would cook this amazing meal and everyone would come over, and we would tell stories about what happened that week, put on some soul music, tell dirty jokes (well, I would listen to them), it was wonderful. Everyone would eat, everyone would help clean. Then we'd all watch TV and relax, or sit outside and chat for hours. This is what we did on Sunday. This was Family night.

Every chance I get to recreate this, I'm over the moon! So lately I've been having Sushi Sunday's with My friends Jen and Tim. It's been nice to feel like a little family. It doesn't matter where you are, as long as you have some kind of family, that's all you need. My mom was so good at creating that for us. I guess growing up I never noticed that we didn't have such a large family. Because, it always seemed huge. The truth is, family can be anyone. We make new family everyday. Brand New Sisters, Moms, Dads and brothers, and that's pretty darn awesome. At the end of the day, it's not about what you did. It not about how much money you made. It's about the friends and loved one you made. It's about those Sunday dinners.


That's So Missy said...

I'm grateful for every chance I get to go home and see my family. But I'm also just as grateful to spend time with my friends.

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for families we make rather than those we are born into. The families we make are there because they want to be, not out of a sense of obligation, and those bonds are stronger.

The Cynical Optimist said...

I'm grateful for my stepdad, who didn't have to love us, and who has always taken care of me as if I was born his daughter.

And also for Sushi Sundays!

The Cynical Optimist said...

I'm also ALSO grateful for Missy and Yva for being two the of the most supportive people in my life :)